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Critical Recognition

As a young artist two giants of the critical world of art recognized the talents of Martine Vaugel. They are mentioned here with thanks from the artist for they recognition and encouragement they inspired.

1980 Clement Greenberg : The most influential art critic in the 20th century, Critic for the New York Times, Champion of Abstract Expressionism

Dear Ms Vaugel,
Thank you for letting me see the slides of your sculptures. Allowing for my distrust of reproductions…I must say that the originals should be good and maybe more than just good.I won’t discriminate among them… my regret is that I haven’t seen your recent art in the original.  About galleries, I’ll name two that show non- abstract sculpture. You can say that I suggested you approach them. Let me know what happens. My phone number is…xxx xxx xxxx

Best wishes,
Clement Greenberg

1980 Gerald Nordland : John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellow

Dear Martine,
It was good to speak with you on the phone today… Your work looks very skillful and professional. So often people who work in bronze tend to become seduced by the material itself. You seem to be using it without that problem. Lots of things catch my eye in your work and seem worthy of development. You have done a great deal of work. It is impossible to not be touched by the great art of the past. Build on it. If you can reach out to your own inspiration with only a subliminal reference to classical memories, you will be better off.

Best of luck and keep me informed.
Jerry Nordland